ترجمه: ستاره پاپ آهنگ پشتیبان گیری. سی دی.
ترجمه: مهمان نقطه. The Clarinet part is then omitted from tracks 12-21 so you can play along with the recorded accompaniments. CLT.
ترجمه: مهمان نقطه. The violin part is then omitted from tracks 12-21 so you can play along with the recorded accompaniments. ویولن.
ترجمه: مهمان نقطه. The Alto Sax part is then omitted from tracks 12-21 so you can play along with the recorded accompaniments.
ترجمه: مهمان نقطه. The Flute part is then omitted from tracks 12-21 so you can play along with the recorded accompaniments. فلوت.