black and white Ooh, and I burn Fuel is pumping engines Burnin' hard, loose and clean And I burn Turning my direction Quench my thirst with gasoline So gimme fuel
Fuel these pumping engines Burning hard, loose and clean And on I burn turning my direction Quench my thirst with gasoline Gimme fuel, gimme fire, gimme that which I desire Fuel
direction Quench my thirst with gasoline So gimme fuel, gimme fire Gimme that which I desire White-knuckle tight Gimme fuel Gimme fire My desire On I burn Fuel
ahead, yeah ahead. CHORUS: Ooooh, on I burn, Fuel these pumping engines, Burning hard, loose and clean, And on I burn, turning my direction, Quench my thirst with gasoline. Gimme fuel
ترجمه: لوین ، آوریل. سوخت (ام تی وی شده متالیکا).
ترجمه: متالیکا. سوخت.
ترجمه: متالیکا. سوخت آتش (نسخه ی نمایشی سوخت).
ترجمه: متالیکا. سوخت [فیلم].
ترجمه: متالیکا. سوخت آتش (آلبوم نسکار).
ترجمه: متالیکا. سوخت آتش.