mal, schau mal - Sag, sie ihr Schwestern? Schau mal, schaut sie Dir nicht total ähnlich? Is witzig, was? Sag, wer hat Dir eigentlich gesagt, daß Du Jeanny
give anything to see Jeanny again Coming home Let me show you that I care Let me show you that I share I would give anything to see Jeanny again Coming
Wir uns? Jeanny, quit livin' on dreams Jeanny, life is not what it seems Such a lonely little girl in a cold, cold world There's someone who needs you Jeanny
show you that I care Let me show you that I share I would give anything to see Jeanny again (I'm so...I would see Jeanny again) Coming home
Lyrics: Rob & Ferdi Bolland/FALCO, Music R. &. F. Bolland; Published by Bolland M./Nada M./Manuskript Jeanny, komm, come on Steh auf - bitte, du wirst
Also I don't know about it's gonna be a very interesting time it's gonna be a long way Wir tanzten einen Sommer und ich war so oft, erschien es mir, einen
Lyrics: FALCO, Music: Robert Ponger; Published by P.S.-Music/Edition Falkenhorst Give it up, Baby don't you give it won't you - Give it up - Wirklich
Lyrics: Rob & Ferdi Bolland/FALCO, Music R. &. F. Bolland; Published by BollandMusic/Edition Falkenhorst One Year ago, ein Jahr wie eine Ewigkeit Aber
ترجمه: شاهین. Jeanny.
ترجمه: شاهین. Jeanny ، قسمت اول.
ترجمه: شاهین. Jeanny (SUS - مخلوط - SPECT نسخه جرم).
ترجمه: شاهین. به خانه (قسمت Jeanny یک سال پس از 2).
ترجمه: شاهین. به خانه (قسمت Jeanny 2).
ترجمه: شاهین. نوار کوچک 07/11 (Jeanny خشک).