down I need a guiding light Shining down to lead me through the night Oh southern star how I wish you would shine And show me the way to get home Oh southern star
down I need a guiding light Shining down to lead me throught the night Oh, southern star, how I wish you would shine And show me the way to get home Oh, southern star
ترجمه: آلاباما. ستاره جنوب.
is slow for the boys and girls Round the ole? Baugh Road The neighborhood still looks the same just new kids with the same old names My Baugh Road?s in a southern
left is the old faded sign But the music's still ringing loud in my heart Down at Pete's Music City where I got my start Well we rocked all night and
slow down I need a guiding light Shining down to lead me throught the night Oh, southern star, how I wish you would shine And show me the way to get home Oh, southern star
back again Song, song of the south... Gone, gone with the wind... Song, song of the south. Sweet potato pie and I shut my mouth. Song, song of the south
If I had you we'd run like gypsies in the wind If I had you we'd count the stars all one by one If I had you we's sail the seven seas as one We'd be
We didn't know that times were lean Around our home the grass was green It didn't seem like things were all that bad I bet we walked a thousand miles
cap and watch that tassel fly So he can start living Yeah, finally start living 'Cause he's got big plans And he'll have time on his hands To start living