
نت برگ $7.88


50 Guitar Flash Cards. Kids' Karate Chord Cards. Flashcards. Guitar. GTR.


50 گیتار فلش کارت. کاراته کارت سر کودکان. چون لغت. گیتار. GTR.


Especially designed for children, these chord cards include 50 of the most common chords for guitar, graded with the seven colours of a karate belt. Kids work through the chords with the help of full-colour photos and handy tips for each chord, and can monitor their progress with the various belt colours, just like karate. The White Belt chords are a piece of cake, but the Black Belt ones require a real expert. Watch ‘em give those learning blues the chop.


Especially designed for children, these chord cards include 50 of the most common chords for guitar, graded with the seven colours of a karate belt. Kids work through the chords with the help of full-colour photos and handy tips for each chord, and can monitor their progress with the various belt colours, just like karate. The White Belt chords are a piece of cake, but the Black Belt ones require a real expert. Watch ‘em give those learning blues the chop.
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