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Down to the River to Pray. Traditional. Harp sheet music. Intermediate.ترجمه
پایین به رودخانه به دعا. مرسوم. صفحه موسیقی چنگ. متوسط.ماخذ
Down to the River to Pray composed by Traditional. Arranged by Svetlana Yatsky. For Harp. Christian, Gospel, Spiritual, Sacred, Folk. Early Intermediate. Published by Svetlana Yatsky. S0.29423. "An easy harp arrangement of the traditional Appalachian song, or, as some say, a spiritual. another name ""Down to the Valley to Pray"". A great piece for special church services such as communion or baptism. Because of it's words and the steady beat it is a great processional as well. A serene and calm flow of the song will set a nice contemplative mood and will sooth the hearts of your audience. Level wise, it is a very versatile piece. a beginner. early intermediate may play Part A and finish the song with the Part E, intermediate will be able to play most of the parts skipping Part C which is more advanced. Turn this piece into a duet or a trio, etc. Add more instruments as the song progresses. for e. , make first instrument repeat first part while other instruments are joining one by one, and let the advanced player take the lead at the part C, while other instruments roll the chords as an accompaniment, etc. 4 pages. To hear the song, please, visit Svetlana Yatsky's YouTube channel. Digital Print is printable sheet music available anytime, anywhere. Just purchase, print and play. View your online sheet music at home, school, work or anywhere you have a computer connected to the Internet. Use our iPad app to view your digital sheet music on the go. With Digital Print, you can print your digital sheet music immediately after purchase, or wait until its convenient. And our software installation is easy - we'll guide you through the simple steps to make sure you have Adobe Flash Player, Adobe AIR and the Sheet Music Plus AIR application.ترجمه
پایین به رودخانه به دعا های سنتی تشکیل شده. تنظیم از سوتلانا Yatsky. برای هارپ. مسیحی، انجیل، معنوی، مقدس، عامیانه. در اوایل متوسط. منتشر شده توسط سوتلانا Yatsky. S0.29423. "An easy harp arrangement of the traditional Appalachian song, or, as some say, a spiritual. another name ""Down to the Valley to Pray"". A great piece for special church services such as communion or baptism. Because of it's words and the steady beat it is a great processional as well. A serene and calm flow of the song will set a nice contemplative mood and will sooth the hearts of your audience. Level wise, it is a very versatile piece. a beginner. early intermediate may play Part A and finish the song with the Part E, intermediate will be able to play most of the parts skipping Part C which is more advanced. Turn this piece into a duet or a trio, etc. Add more instruments as the song progresses. for e. , make first instrument repeat first part while other instruments are joining one by one, and let the advanced player take the lead at the part C, while other instruments roll the chords as an accompaniment, etc. 4 صفحه. To hear the song, please, visit Svetlana Yatsky's YouTube channel. چاپ دیجیتال موسیقی ورق چاپ در دسترس است در هر زمان، هر جا،. فقط خرید، چاپ و بازی. مشاهده صفحه موسیقی آنلاین خود را در خانه، مدرسه، محل کار و یا هر جایی که به یک کامپیوتر متصل به اینترنت. استفاده از نرم افزار اپل ما را به مشاهده و موسیقی ورق های دیجیتال خود را بر روی بروید. با چاپ دیجیتال، شما می توانید موسیقی ورق های دیجیتال خود را بلافاصله پس از خرید چاپ، و یا صبر کنید تا راحت آن. و نصب و راه اندازی نرم افزار ما آسان است - ما شما را از طریق گام های ساده راهنمای به مطمئن شوید که شما ادوبی فلش پلیر، نرم افزار Adobe AIR و جدول برنامه موسیقی به علاوه AIR.پردرخواست ترین
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