
آهنگ: Police & Thieves. Police & Thieves. Strangers In The Same Town.

It?s in the past let?s leave it lying there
I should have told you how I really felt
I thought that one day you would realize, what you did
Can?t contain it and I wont hide it anymore
No more trying, to save what was
I should have let you know
And as a friend I should forgive
But you were always the one to place the blame
And as a friend I should forgive, but not forget
Did you ever think that it would come to this?
We?re at a point, where we don?t speak
I should have told you how it made me feel
But I thought you?d find out for yourself
And as a friend I should forgive
But you were always the one to place the blame
And as a friend I should forgive, what you did
Your words wont save me?anymore
Police & Thieves