
آهنگ: David Rovics. International Terrorists.

International terrorists are scheming
They want to bring the planet to its knees
They're hiding in their bunkers and they're plotting
With bombs and guns and biological disease
Any means to reach their ends it worth pursuing
If their lives are lost then that's the way it goes
It's the game of world domination
The stakes are high as everybody knows

International terrorists are flying in their jets
Looking for the city they want to hit today
For all of the injustice in the world
They are going to make somebody pay
They'll make sure their people will support them
Through the use of their powerful cartel
If you are to prosper this is their decision
Whether you will starve or else live well

And the international terrorists are busy
Trying to win your heart and mind
They're making news and writing press releases
So that you can have your thoughts defined
And they say that they're the voice of reason
And they want to keep the world free
And they will vilify, disappear and torture
Anyone who would dare disagree

International terrorists are many
Every color, size and shape and height
Some are only small and local bullies
Content to bomb a building in the night
While some are in each pocket of the world
Looking for a nation to attack
They're training in their bases somewhere near you
And they're flying in the skies above Iraq

The IMF is the name of their cartel
And CNN's their propaganda arm
And if they don't brainwash and starve you into line
They'll make damn sure all your people come to harm
They'll decimate and carpet-bomb your country
With a million mercenaries and machines
Striking fear into the people of the world
The US Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines